
CrossFit Powerlifting Certification

1 RM Max sumo stance Dead lift = 375#

Accessory work:
2 x 20 straight leg sumo deadlift, straight leg deadlift, and gimlets at 95#
2 x 50 good mornings with blue band

Accessory work for shoulders and triceps:
3 x 50 tricep pull downs and face pulls with purple band
3 x 20 rear delt flys - each arm, with 5# weight

5 minutes of 3 reps of any movement, but barbell cannot touch the ground:  hang power cleans, overhead squats, push press, push jerk, front squat, back squat, behind the neck press or jerks, lunges (my shoulders were burning!)

3 x 100m sled pulls, forward pull and backward pull - last pull holding 55# sand bag in a Zercher carry

Great cert, learned a lot!  Looking forward to pulling 400# on my deadlift someday soon.


Week 3: Day 1

Metcon / de-load week

"Hotshots 19"
30 squats
19 power cleans (135/95#)
7 strict pull ups
400m run

time: 44:41 Rx

Anything with more than 4 rounds is horrible.  Not a good start for my first metcon in 10 days.  Hopefully the next one will go better.


Week 2: Day 4

1-1/4 front squats: Work up to max double (2RM) with small jumps
185, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225

3 press + 2 push press + 1 jerk: Work up to max (1RM) with small jumps
115, 120, 125, 130, 135 (2 press, 2 PP, 2 jerks)  (should have started at a lower weight)


USSF Nebraska State Powerlifting Championship

Here are my final scores, in kilograms. I PR'd on squat at 303# and dead lift at 264#. There was not a women's division, only an overall winner.  I was disappointed with that.

The points are based on the Wilks formula.  This coefficient is used to normalize weight classes, weights lifted, and gender so all can be compared to each other, and an overall winner chosen.  Here is a good online calculator if you are curious what your score is:  Wilks calculator.


Diet ugh

Its a carb cycle. I've been hitting the carb target most days but I'm way over the fat grams and under on protein.  Does this mean I have to start eating chicken breast and whey protein?!  Ick!


Week 2: Day 3

Hang clean + 3 front squats + jerk work up to max with small jumps - I started with 85, then 105, 125, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, and finished with 190 for a max.  I should stop muscling the jerk, and lock out faster dammit.

8 x 10 rack pulls at knee level w/ 115% of deadlift 1RM (straps) - I tried this at 415# and couldn't budge it. Reduced weight to 100% of 1RM, and did one set, one agonizing rep at a time. 2nd set was 335#, and sets 3-8 were with 325#, much faster pulls.