
CrossFit Powerlifting Certification

1 RM Max sumo stance Dead lift = 375#

Accessory work:
2 x 20 straight leg sumo deadlift, straight leg deadlift, and gimlets at 95#
2 x 50 good mornings with blue band

Accessory work for shoulders and triceps:
3 x 50 tricep pull downs and face pulls with purple band
3 x 20 rear delt flys - each arm, with 5# weight

5 minutes of 3 reps of any movement, but barbell cannot touch the ground:  hang power cleans, overhead squats, push press, push jerk, front squat, back squat, behind the neck press or jerks, lunges (my shoulders were burning!)

3 x 100m sled pulls, forward pull and backward pull - last pull holding 55# sand bag in a Zercher carry

Great cert, learned a lot!  Looking forward to pulling 400# on my deadlift someday soon.


Week 3: Day 1

Metcon / de-load week

"Hotshots 19"
30 squats
19 power cleans (135/95#)
7 strict pull ups
400m run

time: 44:41 Rx

Anything with more than 4 rounds is horrible.  Not a good start for my first metcon in 10 days.  Hopefully the next one will go better.


Week 2: Day 4

1-1/4 front squats: Work up to max double (2RM) with small jumps
185, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225

3 press + 2 push press + 1 jerk: Work up to max (1RM) with small jumps
115, 120, 125, 130, 135 (2 press, 2 PP, 2 jerks)  (should have started at a lower weight)